Enterprises are being hit hard by voice and messaging fraud, and they expect their CSPs to take the lead in protecting them.
Enterprises account for a significant share of CSPs’ subscribers and an even larger share of their revenues. However, the telecoms industry is grappling with a growing number of cybersecurity attacks over mobile networks, generating risk and cost for enterprises.
This group of security leaders are better equipped to protect enterprise customers against network mobile threats and better positioned to win their business than followers.
This recent Mobile World Live survey found a gap between enterprises’ needs and expectations and the level of network security CSPs offer to protect them. Enterprises expect CSPs to take a leading role in mitigating mobile threats, and they place a high value on CSPs who meet this expectation. Still, only a few CSPs have made security a strategic priority. This group of security leaders is better equipped to protect enterprise customers against network mobile threats and better positioned to win their business than followers.
AMN | Anochie’s Report | Tech.